Each of our little ones have their own small tree in their bedroom (my teenagers think they're too old for this). Here's our new small tree addition.
I had to do a little editing on this old family favorite but I think it still works :-)
Here's a new one - all 8 of our names are here!
My children helped me make this for Chris last year when we first started the process. I can still remember his eyes welling with tears when he opened it. It was made before we knew specifically about our girls, when we were only waiting in anticipation to find out who God would unite us with. Thank you God for adopting all of us who believe and call on your name, into your Kingdom and for giving us a very special Christmas miracle this year. Great is Thy faithfulness Lord, unto me.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving - we all have MUCH to be thankful for. Praying you enjoy a safe and happy holiday with your loved ones.